The planet itself

The Moon has an elliptical orbit around the Earth with as consequence that we sometimes see a bit of the back of the Moon. Because we know the face of the Moon it thus seems as if the Moon nods 'yes' and 'no' to Earth.

The Moon's trajectory is very complicated. It follows the Sun's trajectory, only six months later; the full Moon in winter comes as high as the Sun in the summer. It takes the Moon 18.6 years to fulfil one complete orbit (back to its original position).

Moon's surface consists of porous non-conductive material. It is fluorescent and adds its own weak light to the light of the Sun when it reflects. There is hardly any carbon and much less iron than on Earth. There are moon quakes deep beneath the surface which are caused by the differences in distance to Earth.

Moon's spectrum is the same as that of the Sun.

Moon qualities - psychologically

Moon's qualities are often difficult to find in oneself because many work in a sub-conscious way. The two sides of Moon are reflection and being factual. To start with the reflection side: as the planet Moon reflects the rays of the Sun to Earth, people with Moon qualities reflect the moods of others. They usually do not do this consciously but it happens. If someone tells a joke, they wait a moment to see if the rest of the group will laugh and then Moon's laughter will go on just a bit longer than the group's laughter. Moon will often start a conversation with: 'Do you remember when we...' and then tell the story factually, dryly. But if you listen well you can see how you looked to others in the story. In this way Moon can be a teacher and even become a great teacher if she manages to use this consciously for the good. Silver is Moon's metal and it is used to coat mirrors and in photography. Moon holds up a mirror for you. As for herself, Moon wants to be as others. She can be friendly with everybody, though she might irritate some of the other planets by not being aware of her own feelings or able to express her own thoughts.

Moon's thinking is not very conscious; it is more intuitive. So Moon is not good at thinking out plans but she is very good at chronologically placing facts and reproducing them. Dates and places, facts and figures are her terrain.

In feeling Moon is equally sub-conscious. If you ask Moon how a party was she will answer by telling you what time she arrived, who were there, what food and drink were available, who she talked to and what time she left. She thinks that by telling you these facts you will fill in the emotions yourself. If asked a specific question like: 'But did you have a good time?', she will answer: 'Yes, of course. I stayed for 5 hours, didn't I?' She is kind of surprised that you did not figure this out for yourself. She automatically expects that everybody experiences the same emotions when being in a certain situation so describing the situation is enough.

One side of Moon usually just drifts along in life. She doesn't take things in her own hands; it would make her feel uneasy to do so. On the other hand Moon can also be very systematic and arrange life accordingly. No room for sudden events.

It is difficult to quarrel with Moon as she usually agrees with you. The only way is to put pressure on her to reveal her own emotions or thoughts. She then gets upset and cannot express this turmoil so will either start crying or fall back on facts. It is not very kind or fair to quarrel with Moon; it's like taking candy from a baby. She would gladly give it but she just does not understand what you want from her.

Moon's sense of time is eternity. Present, future, past - it's all one. Everything always was and will ever be. No sense of urgency. A million years ago people were born, lived and loved and died. That is so now and in a million years from now it will be the same. Nothing changes but the outward circumstances, like technology, architecture, etc. That is why it's important to get the facts straight. But people are the same, she thinks.

Moon does not have much initiative. If you give her a job to her liking, like sorting out the archives or doing the accounting, she will do this very conscientiously from 9 to 5, then stop because it is time to go home. If she does not have a job she will just sit and dream till something happens.

The Japanese are a good example of a nation with Moon qualities. Their technology reflects what the world desires and the way people work in factories can be seen as children under direction of a strict parent. The Japanese language has no word for 'I'. It has only words of relationship: a word for me speaking to my boss, another word for me speaking to my underling, etc. The Moon is also very important in Japanese life. They have separate words for not only the four phases of the Moon but for all the intermediate stages, like (translated) 'the moon you wait for standing', 'the moon you wait for sitting'. When a full moon comes up all work stops to look at it and tradition has it that the Moon is a symbol of purity so when the Moon comes up one tries to purify one's conscience. The cherry tree (Moon's tree) is also very important in Japanese culture. Rice (Moon's grain) is the main food and to grow rice in Japan is not easy because of climate and terrain. One has to be very exact and economic to grow rice there and these traits can still be found in working methods and technology.

The body parts ruled by Moon are the brain and the reproductive organs. The brain works with reason and is logical. The reproductive organs make it possible to deliver new life and give impulses to the sub-conscious.

Schooling task for Moon: If Moon could manage to make her quality of mirroring a conscious one, she could show people their problems in a loving manner she could help others liberate themselves.

Example: In the example of the dike burst and the resulting flood Moon will go and help if her friends also go (and have called on her to come along). Otherwise not, as she does not take initiative.

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